As the European Commission has approved support schemes under the Brexit reserve, established following the UK’s departure from the EU, Danish fishermen get the opportunity to apply for support from the DKK840 million fund available to them.

Brexit came with serious consequences to the Danish fishing industry, not least in terms of quota reductions. The Danish share of the Brexit reserve set up by the EU totals around DKK2 billion, of which DKK1.3 is earmarked for the fishing sector and those areas.

The EU has now given a green light for the largest pot of funding to be released. This is designed to be channelled directly to the industry to compensate fishermen who on 31st December 2020 held quotas that were reduced as a result of Brexit.

The funding opens in early May this year and fishing operators can file applications through the Danish Fishery Agency’s website. According to the Agency, payments will be made as rapidly as possible.