Fisheries, the largest traditional sector in Kerala, has been facing multiple challenges that include climate change and the depletion of marine resources, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has said.

Inaugurating the distribution of deep-sea fishing vessels to fishermen cooperative societies here on Thursday, he added that the government could not forsake the fishers when a crisis arose. “The aim of the project is to equip traditional fishers to undertake deep-sea fishing. We need to transform the sector in tune with the current times and this project is a step towards it,” said Mr. Vijayan.

Joint project

Jointly implemented by the Centre and the State under the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY), the cost of each unit was estimated at ₹1.2 crore that included 24% Central share, 16% State share and 60% beneficiary share. “Though ₹1.2 crore was the initial estimate for each unit, extra facilities were installed as per the recommendations of the beneficiary groups. This made the cost ₹1.57 crore a unit and when the fishers said they couldn’t afford the additional expense, the State government provided that amount. Now the State government’s share in the project is 31%. Our policy has always been to lend fishers a helping hand and this intervention is an example of the government’s concern,” said the Chief Minister, who also lauded the Cochin Shipyard Ltd. for building the vessels for the project.

Safety equipment

Mr. Vijayan added that the State government was keen on providing modern safety and navigation equipment to all fishing vessels, including traditional craft. “The government is trying to replace plywood boats with fibre-reinforced ones and permission has been granted to distribute 400 such boats. We have also taken steps to upgrade the marketing and distribution networks.”

He said that sea cage farming would be started in the State in association with Norway, a country far ahead in marine technology. “Fish with high market value will be farmed with the help modern technology, including AI. Fisheries sector plays an important role in our economy and its survival and growth is very important to the State,” he said.

Union Minister for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying Parshottam Rupala was the chief guest on the occasion.