The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has published the Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture (GSA), which have been developed to support the implementation of the 1995 FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (Code), the FAO Strategic Framework 2022-31, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (ASD 2030) and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as the United Nations Decades for Ecosystem Restoration and Family Farming.

As such, the Guidelines support the visibility, recognition and enhancement of the important role of aquaculture in contributing to global, regional and national efforts towards the eradication of hunger and poverty and to support socioeconomic development for the benefit of current and future generations, in full respect of the environment, ensuring restoration and protection of aquatic habitats, biodiversity and ecosystems.

In 1995, Members adopted the Code as the reference framework for national, regional, and international efforts to ensure sustainable production, harvesting and utilization of living aquatic resources in harmony with the environment, considering all their relevant biological, technological, economic, social, environmental and commercial aspects.

Blue Transformation, a vision for FAO’s work on aquatic food system, is a targeted effort by which agencies, countries and communities use existing and emerging knowledge, tools and practices to secure and sustainably maximize the contribution of aquatic food systems to food security, nutrition and affordable healthy diets for all. The three global objectives of Blue Transformation are: i) sustainable aquaculture intensification and expansion satisfy global demand for aquatic food and distribute benefits equitably; ii) effective management of all fisheries delivers healthy stocks and secures equitable livelihoods; iii) updated value chains ensure the social, economic and environmental viability of aquatic food systems.

In 2017, the 9th Session of the Sub-Committee on Aquaculture (COFI:AQ) of the FAO Committee on Fisheries called for the identification of successful initiatives in support of sustainable aquaculture and their documentation and compilation into the Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture, towards better implementation of the Code and achievement of the SDGs through the contributions of the aquaculture sector. In this regard, FAO carried out a global process to consult its Members, partners and stakeholders including representatives of farmers, civil society organizations (CSOs), governments, regional organizations and academia, to develop the Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture.

The Guidelines recognize that countries have diverse challenges, needs and capacities with respect to aquaculture development, including in relation to aquatic resources, infrastructure, investment, institutions, levels of education and technical capacities. At the same time, there are major common challenges and opportunities at national, regional and global levels. At the request of FAO Members, the Guidelines aim to provide a clear direction for the development of sustainable aquaculture and identify the concrete actions that need to be implemented for aquaculture to best contribute to food security, poverty alleviation, preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity and the broader goals of the ASD 2030 and its SDGs.