The High-Level Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 opened on Thursday. After an opening segment, delegates adopted a Political Declaration on the Midterm Review aimed at advancing action on disaster risk reduction.

In a day-long plenary session, delegates shared views on actions for advancing implementation on disaster risk reduction. In their statements, they discussed progress to date on the Sendai Framework; the impact of recent crises; the use of data, science, and technology; early warning systems; linkages with other UN processes; multi-stakeholder involvement and collaboration; and solidarity between countries and communities, among other issues.

A unique Leaders’ Roundtable was held over a formal lunch, enabling delegates to convene for informal dialogues on a range of select issues. Topics ranged from risk-informed investment and financing to comprehensive climate and disaster risk management, disaster risk reduction (DRR) in fragile settings, and the One Health approach.

The UNDRR Disaster Risk Reduction Hub also reconvened, with a session dedicated to Early Warning for All.