Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Thursday reviewed the activities of Fisheries & Animal Resources Development (F&ARD) Department for the last four years. Following the review, today, Minister, Agriculture & Farmers Empowerment and F&ARD, Ranendra Pratap Swain presented details of the achievements of the Department during the last four years. Odisha has made significant progress in fish, meat, and egg production during this period.

Below are the details on the achievements and performance of the department over the last four years:

• Fish production has risen to 10.52 Lakh MT in 2022-23 against 7.59 Lakh MT in the year 2018-19 with around 40% increase. We export around 2.55 MT of fish per year. Per capita fish consumption in the state is 17.73 kg/Annum which is much higher than the national average of 6.31 kg. Indian Council of Medical Research recommends 12 kg of fish per person per year.

• Fish production increased due to interventions of the state government to support fish farmers and fishers. Early breeding programme was introduced for fish seed availability. Bio-floc technology was introduced to enhance fish production up to 30 times more than pond aquaculture. Until now 12035 Bio-floc tanks have been established. Reservoir Cage Culture Policy has been introduced to lease out reservoirs to entrepreneurs to take up cage culture. Continuous river ranching and stocking of fingerlings in 130 reservoirs have contributed to overall fish production of the state. 11,530 number of GP tanks and 79 number of MIPs have been brought under scientific pisciculture involving 16,287 WSHGs. During last 4 years, 7203.55 hectare new water area has been developed by fish farmers with Government assistance.

• Odisha has become self-sufficient in poultry meat production with rise of production by 21% during the last four years. It has increased from 102 TMT in 2019-20 to 123 TMT in 2022-23.

• Rise in poultry meat production happened due to government interventions by the state government through introduction of multiple poultry development schemes from backyard poultry rearing to commercial broiler farming. There is involvement of Women Self Help Groups in semi commercial broiler farming. 4000 WSHGs established broiler farms during last three years. Easing out of application process has been made for establishment of poultry units through online platform GO-SUGAM. Odisha Poultry Policy-2015 has been implemented to provide support to poultry farmers of the state. Poultry has been declared agriculture by the state government for reduction of electricity tariff for poultry farmers. There is Cent per cent exemption of stamp duty on purchase of land in any part of the state for establishment of broiler poultry farms. Capital Investment subsidy is being provided to entrepreneurs for large scale broiler poultry farming. During last two years, 50,000 rural families have been supported for backyard poultry farming.

• Egg production in the state has increased 4.7 times from 730 million in 2000-01 to 3475 million in 2022-23. While the egg production in the state was 64 lakh per day in 2018-19 , the current daily egg production during 2022- 23 is 96.58 lakh. Demand for eggs is estimated to be 110 lakh eggs per day during 2022-23. The State is confident to achieve the target in the coming 2 years with the following interventions.

• Subsidy up to Rs. 50 lakh is provided under MKUY in the past , which has been enhanced to rupees one crore. Semi commercial layer units under State Plan scheme are being established by easing out the process from cage system layer farming to deep litter system layer farming. In the current year, it is expected to establish 60,000 rural backyard poultry units contributing to egg production in the state. Around 25 to 30 commercial layer poultry units are being grounded every year in the state. There has been institutionalisation of APTT (Agri-business Promotion and Transformation Team) by APICOL to support potential entrepreneurs for layer farming.

• Over 26 lakh farmers/fishers were empowered through multiple schemes of F&ARD Dept. with provision of financial assistance of Rs.567.09 crore.

• 22,290 Women Self Help Groups (WSHG) along with 53,187 individual women belonging to WSHGs were provided financial assistance of Rs.180.21 crore for establishing fisheries & ARD units, in collaboration with Mission Shakti Dept.

• 34,356 entrepreneurs were empowered through provision of financial assistance of Rs.464.20 crore to establish fisheries & animal husbandry units.

• Skilling & Capacity Building of 74,737 farmers/fishers/entrepreneurs was made in F&ARD sector with expenditure of Rs.19.74 crore.

• Budgetary provision for planned expenditure in F&ARD sector has been increased substantially during last 4 years from Rs.477.41 crore in 2018-19 to Rs.1274.00 crore in 2023-24 with increase of 167%.

• Under 5T Charter of the state government, there has been rapid growth in fish production in the last 4 years from 7.59 lakh MT in 2018-19 to 10.52 lakh MT in 2022-23 with 39% increase.

• Odisha jumped to 4th position in fish production in the country from 8th position in 2001.

• During the last four years; seafood exports to foreign countries rose by 53% from Rs.2969 crore to Rs.4807 crore, fish seed production increased from 94.72 crore to 278.63 crore with a growth of 194.16%. Per capita fish consumption in the state increased from 15.38 kg per annum to 17.73 kg per annum with 15% increase, whereas per capita fish consumption in the country is 6.31 kg per annum.

• There has been rapid growth in egg production in last four years from 2381.4 million eggs in 2019-20 to 3475.3 million eggs in 2022-23 with 46% increase and per capita availability of eggs in the state rose from 53 eggs per annum during 2019-20 to 67 eggs per annum during 2022-23 with an increase of 26%..As a measure of transformational initiatives under 5T Charter of the state government, a farmer centric single window portal for scheme & service delivery ‘GO SUGAM’ was launched with 31 schemes in F&ARD sector.

• Portals and Apps like FARMS (Fisheries & Animal Resources Mapping System) to map physical assets, ‘DSS (Decision Support System)’ for effective planning & decision making, ‘Secure Fishing App’ for coastal fishing community along with ‘COAST App’ for coastal aquaculture farmersand FFMA (Fisher Friend Mobile Application) for marine fishers have been developed.

• Advisories on fisheries & Animal Husbandry are being sent to farmers/fishers through voice messages and live call centre under Ama Krushi.

• New technologies like ‘Early Breeding’, ‘Intensive Aquaculture’ with Bio-floc technology, ‘Cage Culture’ in reservoirs, GIFT Tilapia Multiplication Centrewere introduced for making the state self -sufficient in fish production.

• New technologies like ‘Artificial Insemination in cows using Sex Sorted Semen’ to ensure up to 90% birth of female calves has been introduced to enhance milk production in the state. ‘Artificial Insemination in Goats’ was started across the state for genetic upgradation of goats.

• Under transformative initiativeSETU (Socio Economic Transformation and Upliftment), a special package of Rs.17.48 crore was declared by the Hon’ble Chief Minister for 2000 fishermen families in Balimela reservoir area (Swabhiman Anchal).

• ‘Livelihood Support’ to fisher families during fishing ban period was enhanced to Rs.15,000/-from Rs.7,500/-.

• To enhance milk procurement from 5 lakh litre per day to 10 lakh litre per day,an ultra-modern OMFED dairy plant at Arilo, Cuttack has been dedicated by the Hon’ble Chief Minister, Odisha.

• 96,500 OMFED dairy farmers were benefitted through Special COVID Assistance by the Hon’ble Chief Minister.

• ‘Statewide Animal Helpline’ with Toll Free No.1962 was launched by the Hon’ble Chief Minister to provide emergency healthcare services to stray & destitute animals at the time of utter need.

• Tele Veterinary Service was introduced to provide advisory services to livestock farmers of the state over phone by a dedicated team of experts.

• To provide livestock health care services in villages at the reach of farmers, 314 Mobile Veterinary Units have been made functional @ one MVU unit per block.

• A total of 1409 candidates were recruited to fill the base level vacant posts in F&ARD sector.

• During 2020, Odisha bagged the best marine state award with Kalahandi best inland district in fish production at national level.In 2021, Balasore got the best marine district award at national level and Sri Batakrushna Sahoo of Sarakana, Khordha got ‘Padmashree’ during 2020 for contribution to fisheries sector. Shri Gopal Rana of Balangir bagged Gopal Ratna award as best Artificial Insemination Technician during 2022 at national level. Sri Sapan Patra bagged the best entrepreneur award at national level during 2021 in fisheries sector & Sri Saurav Biswal of Jagatsinghpur was awarded as the best Tilapia fish farmer by MPEDA during 2019.

• Foundation Stones were laid by the Hon’ble Chief Minister for construction of 5 lakh litre per day capacity fully automated dairy plant at Arilo, Cuttack during 2019 with a cost of Rs.263.79 crore and hygienic fish market at Mardarajpur, Ganjam during 2018 with a cost of Rs.2.86 crore.Both of these units have been completed and inaugurated by the Hon’bleChief Minister.

• Foundation stones have been laid for 12 projects in F&ARD sector with a cost of Rs.373.16 crore. Construction works and handing over process of these units are under progress now.