Social justice must underpin the global transition to more just and sustainable jobs for all, UN Secretary-Antonio Guterres said in a video message to the opening of the World of Work Summit in Geneva on Wednesday.

The two-day meeting has been organized by the International Labour Organization (ILO) to inform its proposal for a Global Coalition for Social Justice, aimed at reducing  and preventing inequalities.

“The world is at a decisive moment. Today’s policies on climate, on threats to global security, on social solidarity and more, will shape our future and that of our children and grandchildren,” he said.

As such, the Summit provides an opportunity “to explore solutions that will make that future more just, equitable, sustainable and inclusive”, he added.

Mr. Guterres noted that the world of work “is changing at warp speed”, amid ongoing common challenges, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and rising poverty, hunger, inequality, hatred and discrimination.

Furthermore, the climate crisis, conflict and humanitarian emergencies are uprooting and disrupting the education and working lives for hundreds of millions worldwide.

The fourth industrial revolution is unfolding against this chaotic backdrop, he said.

“We cannot predict its results – but we already know the outlines of the seismic shift that is underway: greater automation; the digital transition; a shift towards renewables; sustainable production; and a need for quality education, reskilling and retraining,” he added.