Stating that co-operation is mutually beneficial for the EU fleet as well as the local fishing industry, reinforcing bilateral relations in other areas of common interest, Spain’s Secretary General for Fisheries highlighted the importance of sustainable fishing collaboration agreements between the EU and West African coastal states.

Speaking at an event organised by the National Association of Cephalopod Fishing Owners (ANACEF), Secretary General for Fisheries, Isabel Artime stated that more than fifty Spanish vessels condut fishing activity in the waters of nine African states with which there are collaboration agreements.

She pointed out that these agreements make it possible to establish a legal, environmental, economic and social framework to regulate fishing activity.

Among the principles of these agreements, the general secretary has highlighted the conservation of resources and environmental sustainability, support for human rights and the guarantee of security in economic-fishing relations.

She continued by staing that in addition, these represent a mutual benefit, ensuring the surplus of resources for the European community fleet and a growth of the economy and the local fishing industry – adding that all this implies a reinforcement of bilateral and neighbourhood relations in the maintenance of co-operation in other areas of common interest.

The European Union currently has registered and active 14 sustainable fishing agreements, nine of them with African coastal states. These are Morocco – which expires this month – Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Gabon, Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe, Costa of Ivory and Guinea Bissau.

During this year, more than 50 Spanish vessels have carried out fishing activities in these states. If the activities in the waters of Angola and Guinea Conakry and that of the tuna fleet are taken into account, this figure rises to 69.

Isabel Artime highlighted the role of fishing companies and their associations, such as the producer organization ANACEF, which have promoted activities for the exchange of experience and knowledge within the framework of co-operation with these countries.