Will the Minister of Environment, Forest and  Climate Change be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government has extended Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) clearance for infrastructure projects, if so, the details thereof;
(b) the number of infrastructure projects Government has sanctioned since 2019 under the CRZ the details of the projects sanctioned in each coastal State;
(c) whether Government has undertaken any study such as environmental impact assessment, cost benefit study, etc to evaluate the effects of these projects will have on the coastal environment and climate, if so, the details of the study undertaken, if not, the
reasons therefor; and
(d) whether Government has developed any framework to deal with displacement and rehabilitation of people due to these projects, if so, the details thereof?


Minister of State in the Ministry Of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey)

(a) to (d) In order to harmonise the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) clearance with Environmental clearance, the validity of CRZ clearance has been extended to 10 years from 7 years, as per CRZ notification 2011. The earlier validity of 7 years was further extendable for a maximum of 3 years whereas as per amended provision the validity of 10 years can be further extended for one year based on the recommendation of State Coastal Zone Management Authority (SCZMA). In addition, the period from 01/04/2020 to 31/03/2021 shall not be considered for the purpose of calculation of the period of validity of CRZ clearance granted under CRZ Notification 2011 in view of outbreak of Corona Virus (COVID-19). The State-wise numbers of infrastructure projects granted CRZ Clearance by the Government/Ministry since 2019, as of 24/07/2023, are as under:


Sl. No.  States / UTs  CRZ Clearance granted since 2019 
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 11
2 Andhra Pradesh 17
3 Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli 01
4 Goa  –
5 Gujarat 17
6 Kerala 17
7 Karnataka 07
8 Lakshadweep 05
9 Maharashtra 35
10 Odisha 16
11 Puducherry 02
12 Tamil Nadu 46
13 West Bengal 04
Total  178


As per extant provisions of CRZ Notifications, permissible and regulated activities in CRZ areas require Rapid Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) including marine and terrestrial component (except for building construction projects or housing schemes), Comprehensive EIA with cumulative studies for projects in the stretches classified as low and medium eroding, Disaster Management Report, Risk Assessment Report and Management Plan for seeking prior CRZ clearance. The EIA report also includes the issues, if any, related to displacement and rehabilitation of people including Socio-economic issues.

Based on the recommendation of concerned SCZMA, the Expert Appraisal Committee, constituted by the Ministry as per the provision of CRZ Notification, examines the proposal and other documents / Reports in detail and stipulates specific conditions on case to case basis.