After the registration was withdrawn for 3,500 fishing boats following a maiden survey last year, the Gujarat government is conducting a similar survey this year in view of the success of the practice and keep the records clean.

“Gujarat is a coastal state that shares a marine border with Pakistan. This survey assumes significance. This is to ascertain if the number of boats registered on paper is the same as that on the ground,” Nitin Sangwan, Director of Fisheries, Government of Gujarat, told The Indian Express.

“We began this survey last year during the fishing ban period between June 1 to July 31. We also developed a mobile application to keep track of the fishing boats. Last year, after the exercise, we found around 38,000 boats of various sizes in the state. We deregistered 3,500 boats – many of which had reached the end of their lives. Seeing the success, we decided to institutionalise this practice,” Sangwan added

The survey is also being undertaken to ensure that there is no leakage in the subsidies given to fishermen, which includes subsidised diesel. It is during the fishing ban period in the state that the fishermen largely paint and repair their boats.

On Monday, the state government in a release stated that the period of physical survey of the fishing boats has been extended to August 31 from the earlier deadline of July 31. This step has been taken after representations from various fishing associations and boat owners, it stated.

During this extended period of the survey — which follows the fishing ban period — fishermen are allowed to go to sea, but it is mandatory for them to get their boats included in the ongoing survey. “Last year the survey went on for close to six months. This year it started around mid-July and we requested the government to extend the deadline as it is a lengthy and time consuming process,” said Velji Masani, head of Akhil Bharatiya Fishermen Association.

According to Masani, who lives in the coastal town of Mangrol, the state government officials from the Fisheries Department primarily take measurements of the fishing boats and seek engine details, name and type of boat. “This process has ensured that the data about the fishing boats in the state is the latest, especially when fibreglass boats are fast replacing old wooden boats,” he added. In 2014, the Union Government had delegated the powers of registration, survey and certification of Indian fishing boats to the states, irrespective of their size.
