Fishermen have urged the State government to hold a meeting to redraw the coastal zone management plan (CZMP) pertaining to Chennai district. Community leader K. Bharathi said that almost all the districts had stakeholder meetings and taken details from fishermen representatives.

“The maps, which are meant to safeguard the future of fisherfolk living in extremely vulnerable locations, have been drawn up in a very tacky manner. They don’t even have basic details like names of villages. Other important information, including locations showing residential zones, fish drying spots, net mending sheds and boat parking spaces are missing from the plans. There is a case pertaining to one rule. However, other points are being discussed in the meetings,” he said.

Another community leader, Ko. Su. Mani said that fishing village representatives had submitted detailed CZMPs to various departments so that those points could be marked on the plans. “However, they have not been taken into account.

We want the State government to form a committee with fishermen in it so that our voices are heard. Experts say that by 2050 due to global warming, the coastline will be submerged and so will our hamlets. Does the government have any plans for our people? Where will we be relocated to? All those points too should be considered while preparing the CZMPs,” he said.