The National Coastal Zone Management Authoriy (NCZMA) has issued a conditional clearance to the Coastal Zonal Management Plan (CZMP) of five coastal districts in the state. In its approval granted early this month, the NCZMA said, “Proper shoreline management plan shall have to be prepared before any hard infrastructures are constructed in high eroding areas.” It further stated that activities/projects prohibited in the notified Eco Sensitive Zone falling within the approved CZMPs shall remain prohibited in that area.

Environmentalist Debi Goenka, however, said Shoreline Management Plan is not yet defined. “At a time when we are experiencing the impact of climate change and the Mumbai municipal commissioner is on record that large parts of the city will be under water by 2050, why must the government allow construction along the coast? Lives and property of common citizens will be destroyed by the rising sea level,” he warned. Goenka said hard infrastructure means sea-walls, boulders and tetrapods. “Soon, no one will be able to access the beach and the sea owing to these barricades.”

Chief minister Eknath Shinde on Friday thanked PM Narendra Modi and Union environment minister Bhupendra Yadav for approving CZMPs for five coastal districts of the state, excluding Mumbai.
The CM had said many public utility projects in these five districts as well as private investment projects will be launched due to implementation of this plan, and infrastructure works will get a major boost. CM Shinde had chaired the meeting regarding the CZMP on November 3, 2022.

Officials said that in this meeting, the plan for Sindhudurg district along with Palghar, Thane, Raigad and Ratnagiri was presented. CM Shinde had said this plan will be important to speed up development of public interest projects and localities. The CZMP was prepared by the Maharashtra Coastal Development Authority. The draft plan was for five districts under the Coastal Zone Regulation Act-2019.

“In it, the National Center for Sustainable Coastal Management of Chennai has drawn up the tide line of the coastal area. This draft plan was prepared after asking suggestions and objections from five districts. It has four categories of marine regulatory areas. They include situationally sensitive, developed areas, rural areas and water bodies. In this, the limit of 100 meters from the tide line in the previous notification of 2011 has now been increased to 50 meters for the areas of creeks, rivers and streams. This will also boost tourism activities. The permit process for local fishermen and construction and repair of traditional houses will be eased. Local planning authority may grant construction permit of up to 300 sqmt for residential houses,” said an official.