The Parliament has fully supported the move to deposit Fiji’s instrument of acceptance of the Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies with the World Trade Organization.

Trade Minister Manoa Kamikamica has confirmed that both sides of the House put politics aside to ensure that the issue of illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing is halted.

This agreement is the first WTO agreement to focus on sustainability and the environment by prohibiting harmful fisheries subsidies and was adopted during the Ministerial Conference in June 2022.

Kamikamica says bipartisanship is key to ensuring that Fiji’s Exclusive Economic Zone is not abused.

“100% of parliament passed, there was no politics involved, passed on a bipartisan basis. That augers well for the future of Fiji and for parliament, of course we’ll disagree on political issue but very important issues like in this case overfishing and illegal fishing, the parties came together and ensure that things are done quickly.”

Kamikamica says the fight is not over as they prepare to push for the adoption of the agreement at the 13th Ministerial Conference next year.

“The credit must go in most part to my predecessor, he actually negotiated the agreement and managed to get 169 countries to agree to the first part of the subsidy agreement.”

Fiji delivered its instrument of acceptance last week, making it the first Pacific Island developing nation to do so.

Under the Fisheries Subsidies Agreement, members agree to consider the legality and sustainability of the fishing they subsidize.

For the agreement to take effect, two-thirds of WTO members must deposit their acceptance instruments.