To boost fish production and enhance the productivity of aquaculture and fisheries resources, the directorate of fisheries has submitted a proposal to the Centre under the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) to adopt culture fishing. “The practice of capture fishing will eventually wane,” director of fisheries, Deepesh Priolkar told TOI.

He said that traditional capture fishing often leads to overfishing and the depletion of fish populations in open sea waters overtime. Additionally, once fish are caught, there is a limited window for preservation. The surplus catch either needs to be exported or, regrettably, goes to waste.

“Fishermen often do not gauge the consequences of open sea fishing and how it can eventually deplete the population,” he said. This situation has prompted the directorate of fisheries to advocate for a significant shift towards culture fishing, a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative that aligns with the objectives of the PMMSY.

Culture fishing involves cultivating and breeding fish in controlled environments such as ponds, tanks, and cages, allowing for better management of fish populations and enhanced production. “There is a lot of scope for culture fishing in Goa. A lot of awareness has to be done on the art of culture fishing as a result,” he said. “Fish farmers will be invited to attend workshops and seminars of aquaculture. They will also be educated about the various department schemes,” he added.