Multi-day boats in the South-east Bay of Bengal Sea areas have been cautioned as a low-pressure area has formed over Southeast Bay of Bengal adjoining Andaman and Nicobar Island on Tuesday (14)morning. It is likely to move west-northwest wards and intensify into a depression over west Central Bay of Bengal within the next 24hours.

Wind speed will be (40-45) kmph and can increase up to (50-55) kmph in sea areas between (10N – 15 N) and between (85E – 91E).

Heavy showers or thundershowers and rough or very rough seas can also be expected in above sea areas.

  • Naval and fishing communities are advised not to venture into the sea areas bounded by (10N – 15 N) and between (85E – 91E) during the next 24 hour.
  • Those who are out at the aforementioned sea regions are advised to return to the coast or move to safer areas immediately.
  • Fishing and naval community are requested to be attentive to future forecasts issued by the Department of Meteorology in this regard.