A large fishing trawler is stable but taking on water off of the southern coast of Labrador on Wednesday, according to the Canadian Coast Guard.

The Northern Osprey III, a 260-foot factory freezer shrimp boat, made the distress call Sunday, according to Phil Walker of the coast guard. The boat is registered in Halifax but fishes between southern Labrador and Iqaluit.

Thirty crew members are aboard the vessel, Walker said.

“They had this leak in a valve, and the valve goes through a hull protrusion about 12 foot below the surface of the water,” Walker told CBC News on Wednesday afternoon. “In this particular situation, the vessel sought some shelter in amongst some islands in a small bay. Porcupine Bay to be exact.”

Walker said damage control measures were activated on board, and the Canadian Armed Forces and Coast Guard have sent extra pumps to move the water. The boat has been stable since Sunday afternoon, he added, saying the crew are doing fine and reporting in every couple of hours.

Divers will be in the water Wednesday in hopes of doing some external repairs to help the boat make it back to land safely.