Palestinian fishermen in central Gaza are facing grave dangers as they attempt to fish in the waters off the besieged enclave. According to reports, the Israeli Navy regularly opens fire on these fishermen, putting their lives at risk and damaging their boats in the process.

Imad Al-Aqra’, a fisherman from Deir al-Balah, shared his harrowing experience, stating that their boats were subjected to intense shooting by the Israeli Navy. He recounted a recent incident where a relative was shot dead and another severely wounded, highlighting the lethal risks they face every time they venture into the sea.

The situation has severely impacted the livelihoods of these fishermen, who struggle to feed their families amid the ongoing blockade of Gaza. Al-Aqra’ lamented the drastic reduction in their catch, which has dwindled to only a quarter of what it used to be before October 7.

“We are just fishermen, and our boats are too simple,” Al-Aqra’ expressed, emphasizing the dire need for safety while practicing their profession. With their families suffering from starvation, the constant threat posed by the Israeli Navy adds to their daily struggles.

The plight of Palestinian fishermen underscores the broader humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where residents face severe shortages of essential goods and services due to the blockade. Despite their attempts to provide for their families, the fishermen’s livelihoods are continually jeopardized by the violence and restrictions imposed by the Israeli authorities.