Over 14 lakh marine fishers across the State have threatened to boycott the upcoming twin polls in Odisha to register their protest against what they said was the apathy on part of the State Government in ignoring the fulfillment of their genuine charter of demands.

“Our lives have become miserable as we have to buy diesel at Rs 94 a litre for operating the fishing boats. Besides, the Government continues to clamp a ban on marine fishing from time to time. Frequent formation of low pressure is also equally impeding the sea fishing activities. The fisheries-regulated economy is in doldrums. We have taken up the matter with the government on multiple occasions. But it is of no avail”, said Odisha State Fishermen Federation president Srikant Parida on Wednesday.

”As the government agencies are least concerned and are insensitive towards the plight of fishers, we have decided to boycott the upcoming polls as a last resort,” warned Parida. They had sought for the fulfilment of a six-point charter of demands, pertaining to the social security of the community. But the Government has turned a blind eye to it, he pointed out.

”Our demands included the subsidy in diesel, regular dredging in sea mouths, stopping of draining chemical effluents from industrial units into the sea, ending alleged misbehaviour of forest department and coast guard officials, and formation of a fishermen welfare fund.

“Fishing in rivers and the sea is our only source of living. Unfortunately, we have to leave the waters and take to the streets because of the government’s apathy,” he said. Demanding subsidies on diesel, the Odisha State Fishermen Federation claimed that at least seven coastal states were providing diesel subsidies to fishermen.

”There is no such provision in Odisha. We have written many times to the government. But nobody is concerned about our plight,” Parida rued. He said the marine fishermen community had sought for the inclusion of fishermen families in the Public Distribution System (PDS) and other social security schemes during fishing bans. ”The state government bans fishing near the coast for three months, April 15 to June 14 every year, to protect brood fish and provide an undisturbed breeding ground. The fishermen cannot work due to adverse calamities like cyclones and low-pressure areas. As many as 15 lakh families are victims of the state government’s apathy. The dredging of river mouths is the need of the hour as the fish yield has been dwindling due to the closure of river mouths,” he added. Precious little has been done to ameliorate their plight, he said. The affected fishermen and stakeholders have been forced to resort to boycott polls to protect their livelihood, he concluded.