The toll imposed on fishermen and fishing boats using the Chellanam fish landing centre has been withdrawn following talks between officials of Harbour Engineering and Fisheries departments and representatives of fishermen’s unions in the presence of K.J. Maxi, MLA.

Fishermen had launched an indefinite relay hunger strike earlier this week in front of the fish landing centre demanding the withdrawal of toll imposed on local fishermen and fishing boats for using the recently completed facility.

“It is a victory for local fishermen, who are determined not to pay toll for using a facility on the land they were born,” said Shiji Thayil, district president of Kerala Swathanthra Matsya Thozhilali Federation, after the talks. Mr. Maxi announced the withdrawal of toll on Thursday at the protest venue, said Mr. Thayil. He added that the issue should not crop up again, and that an official announcement would seal the deal with fishermen.

Fishermen’s unions and other users of the fish landing centre had earlier joined a demonstration in front of the facility to drive home the point that they were being exploited through the imposition of toll.

Second gate opened

The harbour authorities will also allow fishermen to move provisions and fuel through a second gate that had been closed till now, Mr. Thayil said, adding that only one of the two gates had been opened till now for fishermen and vehicles that arrived at the landing centre.