The villagers of Morjim raised their voices against the proposed beautification project by the government on Monday. The villagers have stated that the project holds no benefit for them and have demanded that it be scrapped immediately. According to the villagers, instead of introducing this “baseless project,” the government should focus on addressing the pressing issues of water crisis and poor road conditions within the village.

In a statement to the media, Morjim villager Albert Fernandes highlighted the significance of preserving sand dunes for the village’s safety, emphasizing the legal rights of fishermen to maintain beachfront huts. He questioned the government’s unilateral approach, lacking consultation with the villagers and local authorities.

Mayur Shetgaonkar, a farmer from Morjim, emphasized the negligible benefits of the proposed project, attributing its approval to vested interests rather than community welfare. He stressed the adverse impact on local businesses and tourism, advocating for solutions to the village’s pressing water and road infrastructure needs.

Captain Jaral voiced concerns over the government’s disregard for traditional livelihoods, asserting that tourism should not supersede other essential occupations. He underscored the importance of coexistence between different economic activities for the village’s sustainable development.

Panchayat member Villas Morje emphasized the need for inclusive decision-making, urging the government to engage all relevant stakeholders to address this sensitive issue comprehensively.