The Kerala Matsyathozhilali Aikya Vedi (TUCI) has demanded a comprehensive relief package for traditional fishers who are in dire straits due to declining fish catch.

In a statement, Vedi president Charles George said fish drought had affected the livelihoods of fishermen. With empty nets and mounting operational costs, many fishers were struggling to stay afloat. In 2012, 3.99 lakh tonnes of sardines were caught, but the catch was down by 2.392 tonnes in 2021. Sardines caught in 2023 had not met the minimum legal size declared by the government, indicating a potential overfishing of juvenile fishes.

In fact, fishers were forced to sell the juvenile catch at throwaway prices to fishmeal factories. The Vedi wanted the government to adopt a multi-pronged approach to find a long-term solution to the crisis.