Fishermen in the coastal areas of the Sundarbans have been facing challenges in earning their livelihoods due to a three-month ban on fishing in the region. Amid the ban on fishing in the Sundarbans, many families are grappling with food shortages as their primary source of income has been abruptly stopped.

Consequently, they are urgently seeking government food assistance, while simultaneously advocating for the ban’s withdrawal if their needs are not met. Officials from the Fisheries Department of Satkhira say food assistance is being provided to registered coastal residents, totalling 50,396 individuals, including those who depend on fishing.

Besides, efforts are underway to provide food assistance to Sundarbans-dependent fishermen or to facilitate their resettlement. SM Ataul Haque, a member of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Environment, Forest, and Climate Change and member of parliament (Satkhira-4), said that proposals for providing either food assistance or resettlement have been made for the Sundarbans-dependent fishermen.

According to the Fisheries Department, 12,879 registered coastal families receive 40 kgs of rice as food assistance per month. Efforts are going on to bring food assistance to Sundarbans-dependent residents through various means.

Local parliament members have said that proposals for food assistance or resettlement have been made for 18,540 Sundarbans-dependent residents. On June 1, the Forest Department imposed a three-month ban on fishing, navigation, and wildlife movement in rivers, canals, and forests of the Sundarbans to ensure the protection of fish and wildlife during their breeding season. The movement of all vessels, including boats and fishing trawlers, is prohibited, along with the entry of fishermen and honey collectors.