Himachal Pradesh Technical Education Minister Rajesh Dharmani has asked the department of fisheries to focus on processing in order to tackle the glut of fish in the market with value-added products.

Speaking at a meeting on Tuesday night, he suggested that the fisheries department should work on the schemes that are linked to tourism activities, according to an official statement issued here on Wednesday.

“All the schemes of the department should be made in such a way that it can attract the youth, only then the youth of the district will join fish farming,” he said and added that the state government is giving subsidies up to 80 per cent to the people for making fish ponds.

He said that such schemes should be linked with rural job guarantee scheme MNREGA so that people associated with fish production can get maximum benefit. He said the Bilaspur district sees increased tourism activities because of being connected to Chandigarh, Manali, Dharamshala and Shimla. In such a situation, fish vendor zones should be created in the area from Mandi Bharari to Aauhar and Manali.

These activities can attract tourists who can taste the dishes made from fish produced in the district. This could provide employment to the local youth, including the fishermen. The minister also directed the department to organise fish food fairs.

According to the statement, the minister asked the officials to pay special attention to the low production of fish in Chamera and Ranjit Sagar Dam. Besides, the lack of interest shown by locals in fish production and fishing in Kol Dam was also discussed.

The department was instructed to explore all the possibilities to connect people with fish production so that maximum fish could be produced in Kol Dam, and more employment could be provided for the local people.

He also directed the staff to link the directory of fish farms recently created by the directorate and the vendors selling fish products in the state online as well as with Google Map so that tourists can also easily know their location.

Dharmani said during 2023-24, a total of 17,721.64 metric tonnes of fish were produced in the state, which generated an income of Rs 273.49 crore, about Rs 12 crore higher than last year.