The World forum of Fisher Peoples, Co- ordination Committee meeting held at Bangkok, the Capital of Thailand during 22nd – 29th April 2016. The meeting was presided over by shri. Muhammad Ali shah (Pakistan), Mrs. Nadine orchid Nembhard (Belise) both Co –Chairpersons of WFFP in the Presence of Mr. Mogamad Naseegh Jaffer (South Africa) Secretary General of WFFP. The meeting was attended by Continental representatives including M.Ilango (India), Mr. Herman Kumara wijethunge (Srilanka), Mrs. Christiana Saiti Louwa (Kenya), Mr. Jorge Adalberto Varela Marquez (Honduras),Mr. Moises osorto Caceres (Honduras), Mr. Sid’ Ahmed Abeid (Mauritanie), Mrs. Natalia Laino Lojo (Spain), Mr. Edmund Arthur Bull (Canada),Mr. Alessandro Matino Carlo Fossi (France) and other. Among various decisions and resolutions the resolution proposed by the delegates of South Asian countries also resolved unanimously. The resolution follows : – The World Forum of Fisher Peoples’ Coordinating Committee[WFFP CC] urge Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lankan national governments to give up the practice of arresting, harassing, killing and continuing arrest of innocent fishermen when they are crossing the IMBL, during their fishing activities for their livelihood, taking in to consideration the UNCLOS, because the intention of fishermen is just to fish for their livelihood if they are not involved in anti social activities like drug, arm and human trafficking. It is agreed at the article 73 of the UNCLOS that, neighboring countries neither arrest nor punishing the fishermen during fishing. This shall apply to South Asian region hence it is important the countries in the region respect their own agreement and help fishermen. Hence, the WFFP CC urge to organizational bodies and specialized agencies of the United Nation systems coming under the UNCLOS, should take immediate steps to release fish workers once cross the boarders and the arresting, harassments, killing and continue the jail in neighboring countries. The WFFP CC also resolves to take up matters to the Indian, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lankan national governments and to the attention of UNHRC… WFFP CC urge that the trans boarder issue should take up at the upcoming SAARC head of Governments meeting to be held at Pakistan in November, 2016 for seek permanent solution. Hence, the SAARC foreign ministers planning meeting also should take this issue forward for discussion and recommend better proposal for find solution to release arrest fishermen when they cross the boarders and also to their boats and fishing gears.