Thousands of fishers affected by the 61-day annual fishing ban enforced from April 15 are in distress as the cash compensation promised to them by the State Government is yet to reach them. Enquiries with the Fisheries Department revealed that once funds were released, the amount would be transferred online to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries. “It could reach them anytime, an official pointed out. The list of beneficiaries was finalised as per the revised government guidelines. The compensation being given this year Rs.4,000 per head is double the amount paid to them last year. Before that, the Government used to give rice to the fishers in lieu of the loss of livelihood. “Whatever amount they give, it should reach us on time to prevent us from borrowing money at hefty interest, Ganagalu Eurkodu, who works in a mechanised boat as a crew member, told The Hindu. Official sources said 16,021 fishers engaged in mechanised and in motorised boats were identified in the district for payment of compensation. In the Fishing Harbor here, the number of beneficiaries selected is 4,607 from mechanised boats and 268 from motorised boats. The number has gone up by a few hundred. The Association of Indian Fisheries Industries, AP Mechanised Boat Operators’ Association and the Dolphin Boat Owners’ Welfare Association have been representing to the Government to cover fish vendors, dry fish sellers, push-cart and rickshaw-pullers under the compensation scheme on humanitarian grounds. Fishing Harbour Workers’ Union general secretary J.D. Naidu said several eligible fishers and fish workers were not found eligible for compensation due to rigorous procedures followed this time. He said all those affected by the ban should get the compensation. Mr. Naidu said they were planning to organise a protest at the Collectorate to highlight the plight of fish workers.

2016, The Hindu