The Honourable National Green Tribunal (Southern Zone) Chennai has banned sand mining in the rivers belonging to CRZ area in Udupi district. The tribunal in its judgment dated May 17 has stated that “in the interest of the environment, we pass an order of injunction restraining the respondents and subordinates from taking any steps towards issuance of sand mining permits in any manner to extract sand in the rivers in Udupi district which are located in CRZ area until further orders from this Tribunal. The matter is posted to July 13,” Ranjan Shetty, advocate for the Appellants stated in a communication that in spite of strong protest from villagers against the sand extraction mafia in the rivers (CRZ) flowing in Udupi district, sand is being extracted in violation of norms and totally flouting all environmental laws since quite a few years. Residents are scared to death by the roar of heavy Lorries used in the process. “Sand extraction was being done not only in violation of norms but also covered by deceit, as the permit which is issued for the extraction of sand at one place was used for extraction in a different river. Besides this there are number of sand extractor without any permit. Though a large quantity of sand was being extracted, within Panchayat Jurisdiction, they are not getting any sand locally. Sand extracted is fully exported to other districts in state or out of state. When the villagers approach the Mines and Geology Dept., they do not get any response,” the statement says. “Though the matter had been brought to the notice of the concerned authorities, legislators, Police department, and district-in-charge minister by submitting petitions, the exercise had been entirely fruitless. Though a few Grama panchayats had held meetings of the Grama Sabha for the purpose, passed resolutions demanding ban on sand extraction and sent copies of the resolutions to the Mines & Geology Dept., there had been no effect, statement continues. Finally Udaya Suvarna and a few others of Baikady and Kukkude village, Brahmavar, Udupi taluk, invoked the jurisdiction of honourable National Green Tribunal (SZ) Chennai. The Hon. Tribunal after hearing both the parties on May 17, 2016 issued an order staying the issuance of sand mining permit for extraction of sand from the CRZ area of rivers of Udupi district.