The South Goa collector who will conduct an inquiry into the police lathi-charge on fishermen during their agitation held on May 12 near the department of fisheries at Panaji demanding a ban on the use of LED lights in fishing has sought information on the incident from those who witnessed it. “It is essential to have a list of persons/witnesses likely to depose before the collector so that they can be given a precise date and time when they shall be examined and also to facilitate an exact time schedule for conducting the hearing in this matter”, an official statement said. The collector and district magistrate of the South Goa district has, through a public notice called upon all interested persons who had witnessed the incident to come forward without fear and favour, so that an impartial inquiry can be conducted. The office of the inquiry officer has requested those who have witnessed the incident to kindly make it convenient to give their details and depose before the undersigned in the interest of justice. The persons, journalists and others who possess evidence in the form of videos, photos, audio recordings can also send the same by identifying themselves properly. The applications for deposing as witnesses and any evidence should reach the office of the South Goa collector by June 2.
2016, Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd.