As many as 19 fishermen including six from Kerala have been detained by the coast guard of Diego Garcia, a British Island by its navy. The relatives of the fishermen received about the incident on Thursday. Among the detained are 12 from Kanyakumari, six from Kerala and one from Assam. Among the six, four are from Poovar and two from Poonthura in Thiruvananthapuram. The relatives have received a message that these fishermen were detained on May 27 but the reasons are not known. Yanesh, 27 son of Xavier from Poovar, Agastin Das, 29 son of Titu Dason from Poovar, Kunju Mon, 28, son of Resudas, Pozhiyur, Lwarence, 55 son of Jenvaris, Poovar, Sygin, 42, son of Sebastain Poovar and Joseph, 37, son of Thansilas, Poonthura are those detained from Kerala. The Latin archdiocese authorities have approached both the state and Central government to help in getting these fishermen released at the earliest. “We have already send messages to the Centre and concerned Indian embassy seeking help, ” said a spokesman of the diocese. It is learnt that the Tamil Nadu Fishermen Development Trust has also appealed to the governments to take steps to secure the early release of the fishermen.
2016, Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd.