The All Loktak Lake Areas Fishermen’s Union Manipur (ALLAFUM) strongly object the statement made by the LDA in recent news caption “LDA rejuvenates Loktak Lake, claims State Govt in some local news papers wherein the LDA (Loktak Development Authority) have claimed to have taken up activities like management of phumdis, improvement of drainage system, de-siltation at the critical areas, construction of cross regulator, catchment area conservation, construction of sanitary toilets, biodiversity, enhancement of fish resources with the establishment of hatchery, afforestation in catchment areas, overall ecosystem of the lake is improving on various parameters, restoration of the open water regime, channelization of river/streams, Phumdi compost, aided regeneration, agro forestry, small scale engineering works, contour trenching, vegetative check dam, Gabion check dam, bamboo spur, boulder sausages, water harvesting structure, alternate source of energy, community participation, institution formation of community, diversion channel, cultural operation, plantation of banana, pineapple, etc. are nothing but table work reports without field works in the Loktak. Nambul, Nambol, Ninghtoukhong, Moirang and other rivers and its tributaries from Manipur hills and valley have been depositing numerous urban and rural wastes that cause pollution and siltation into a Loktak Playground even though the LDA claimed catchment area conservation, afforestation in catchment areas, etc. (For example, Salam, Heisam playground at Mukap, Thanga, Loktak Leirembi ground at Thanga Haoreng Chingyang, Toupokpi grounds, etc…) Construction of sanitary toilets in the Loktak Champu Khangpok villages has never been implemented till date even though the MoEF &CC have directed the state government to take up its actions. Where do LDA establish hatcheries in Loktak? Are they functioning? If fish resources have enhancement in Loktak, Why do we have to import fishes from outside the state? Does LDA have the mechanism to maintain lean season and peak season of Loktak water level in the Loktak? Is LDA a natural agency to conserve and management the Loktak? Will LDA be able to specifically identified native fishes breading sites inside Loktak for Pengba, Sareng, Khabak, Nagton, Ngakra, Ngamu, Nganap, etc, food supplements sites like Heikak, Thangjing, Wairujara, etc.. as LDA have claimed of overall ecosystem of the Loktak is improved on various parameters. Has the Loktak water quality got improved? Where have LDA improve the Fishes breading sites, grazing grounds, etc. in the Loktak? What about newly construction of surface road from Mayang Imphal to Toubul? Does the construction of such surface road constitute an overall ecosystemimprovement of Loktak? Surface road is directly killing the Loktak at the very nose of the LDA and Manipur State Government. Permanent immovable Phumdis like Maibram Phumlak, Kumbireihoubi, Humdang, Jawa-Phegei, Sagaisabi, and other phumdis from Toubul Mamang to Ishok Naorem, newly construction of surface road form Mayang Imphal to Toubul, etc. which directly threatens the Loktak ecosystem are clear picture that shows contradiction to the LDA tall claimed of restoration of the open water regime. LDA have claimed to have taken up aided regeneration, agro forestry, small scale engineering works, contour trenching, vegetative check dam, Gabion check dam, bamboo spur, boulder sausages, water harvesting structures, alternate source of energy, De-siltation at the critical areas, construction of cross regulator community participation, institution formation of community, cultural operation, plantation of banana, pineapple, etc. are only lip services. If such actions and initiatives were taken up, LDA should be diligent enough to place an annual report and audit report to the Manipur Legislative assembly as per the section 26, 27 & 28 of the Manipur Loktak Lake (Protection) Act 2006. Has any Manipur State Hon’ble elected MLAs ever come across LDA’s annual reports and audit reports in the Manipur Legislative Assembly? Rich cultural heritage, the LDA’s irresponsible violation and disrespecting of the Hon’ble High Court’s interim order dated 25th January 2012 resulting two Contempt of Court cases which are still pending in the High Court. LDA and Government of Manipur is blowing their own trumpet without realizing themselves as the most dreaded threats to Loktak ecosystem, Loktak habitat, Loktak fishers, and its wetland dependence. ALLAFUM appeals all government agencies, every section of people, NGOs, CBOs, CSOs, fishers, wetlands dependents, intellectuals, human rights defenders, environmentalists, legal experts, researchers, students and law makers to look into the matters and contribute your valuable inputs to rescue the dying Loktak. Together we can save the Loktak.