Sri Lanka has decided to send a delegation of fishermen to India to discuss the issue of illegal fishing by the Indian fishermen fishing in island’s waters by the destructive bottom trawling practice. A fishermen delegation comprising 12 fishermen from both the South and North will visit India on August 25 to hold fishermen level discussions ahead of an upcoming visit by the Minister of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development Mahinda Amaraweera to New Delhi. During a recent meeting with Provincial Fisheries Ministers of North and South, and the representatives from Sri Lanka Navy, Minister Amaraweera has suggested sending a delegation of Sri Lankan fishermen from the North and South to India prior to his visit in order to enlighten the Indian Government on the massive calamity caused by Indian bottom trawling on Sri Lankan sea line. After the fishermen delegation’s return, Minister Amaraweera and Foreign Affairs Minister Mangala Samaraweera will visit New Delhi next month to hold ministerial level discussions with their Indian counterparts to reach a permanent solution to the vexing fishermen’s issue.

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