Agriculture and fishing are the two important occupations of the people in Goa and it is the duty of State government to protect these both occupations which is dying a slow death, said Cortalim Zilla Panchayat member Antonio Vas. He was speaking on the sidelines of the prize distribution ceremony of an All Goa Fishing Contest, organized by the Cortalim Villagers Sports and Social Welfare Association at Manxer Cortalim, recently. The function was attended by Cortalim Quelossim Sarpanch Hilario Figuereido, Joseph Barretto, Milgres Rodrigues, John Pereira, Wilfred D’Souza and the committee members of the CVSSWA. “Agriculture and fishing are the two main occupations of the people in the State. Therefore, the State government should ensure that these two traditional occupations are protected by launching schemes and offering subsidies for purchasing various equipments, he said. Vas said that nearly about 80 percent of the people residing in Cortalim constituency are dependent on fishing and farming. Activities and their livelihood depends on the fish catch and yields from the fields due to which there is a need to provide them subsidies and equipments at the reasonable costs by the government. The first cash prize of Rs 5,000 in the fishing contest for angling more (quantity) fish was given to Messy Milton Fernandes of Agassaim, the second cash prize of Rs 3,000 for angling huge (bigger one) fish was awarded to Fransquina Alvares of Verna, while the third cash prize of Rs 2,000 for angling smaller fish was given to Nitin Ratu of Goa Velha.

2016 @GOACOM