Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh on Monday released Fisheries Department’s ‘Vision Document’ at the state secretariat. Speaking at the occasion, Singh said the document will help to increase fish production in the state. “It would be of immense use and would definitely increase the production of the fishes Singh said. Terming the ‘Vision Document’ a blue print of the fisheries department, the CM also said thousands of youth associated with fishery will be benefited. “Now the aim of the Government would be to achieve the targets mentioned in the Vision document within the stipulated time. Singh added. ‘Vision Document’ consisting of the department’s upcoming developmental activities and various water conservation programs was prepared under the chairmanship of former Director and former UNDP Advisor Kuldeep Kumar. Forest and Fisheries Minister Thakur Singh Bharmauri, State Forest Development Corporation, Vice Chairman Kewal Singh Pathania and other senior officers of the department were present on the occasion.

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