The proposed expansion of Paradeep based fertiliser plant Paradeep Phosphates Limited (PPL) was opposed by farmer and fishermen body Kalinga Karnadhar Machhyjibi Samabaya Samiti, the Samit president Jyoti Ranjan Samal and fishermen leader Pitambar Tarai. In a press release Samiti leaders informed that the residents of Kujanga and its adjoining areas have been suffocating due to influence of Ammonia gas by its frequent release by PPL plant regularly, the residents have sacrificed hundreds acres of land in throw away prices to PPL during its establishment in mid-eighties but unable to receive due compensation and employment facilities at plant so the present expansion would not help them and demanded to roll back the plan, they rued. Meanwhile a public hearing over the PPL expansion bid has been proposed to be held at Paradeep the Samiti opposed the endeavour saying many affected residents might be skip to attend the hearing, as per industrial law the hearing should be held at proposed plant site where locals can be raised their voices but PPL skips the norm, criticised Samiti president Mr Samal. Moreover fisherman leader Pitambar Tarai threatened if the PPL expansion went further ignoring local’s grievances they will move to National Green Tribunal seeking justice, he warned.

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