Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal today announced a subsidy of 50 per cent to give further boost to shrimp production in the state. A decision to this effect was taken by Badal while presiding over a meeting with fish rearers and fishery experts here. Badal further asked fish rearers to set up shrimp producer’s society with fair representation of fish farmers, experts of fishery from Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (GADVASU) and officials from the state fisheries department to enhance the Shrimp production on scientific lines. He also directed the Additional Chief Secretary (Animal Husbandry, Dairy & Fisheries) to send the interested fish farmers for training at Indian Council for Agricultural Research-Central Institute of Fisheries Education (ICAR-CIFE), Rohtak to learn about the emerging techniques of shrimp production besides the significance of quality water check. The Chief Minister also impressed upon the Fisheries department to send a delegation of progressive farmers from the state to Andhra Pradesh to update their knowledge about the latest techniques of shrimp production, an official release said here. The Chief Minister also assured fish farmers that he would soon take up the case of allotting an ICAR-CIFE Centre for Punjab with Government of India to promote fishery in a big way on the pattern of one such Centre already existing in Rohtak (Haryana). He also gave a nod to the department for the purchase of insulated vehicle for the transportation of shrimp from the fish farms to the nearest fish market outlets.
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