Fisheries Assistant Director Satyanarayana said that the State government will accord special status to fishermen. He was addressing a gathering after releasing over one lakh fishlings in Pedda Tank in Dowdapalli village of the mandal on Tuesday. As in the case of other castes that have been recognised by the government, steps to extend all subsidies to fishermen will be initiated, he said. Fishermen community leaders took their problem, having to go to district headquarters as the fisheries department office here has been relocated to the district headquarters, to the notice of the Assistant Director. They told him that fishermen of Dandepalli, Luxettipet and Jinnaram mandals have been encountering problems in reaching the fisheries department. District Cooperative Marketing Society Chairman K Srinivas Reddy, MPP Katla Chandraiah, ZPTC Chinnayya and others were also present on the occasion.
2016 Hyderabad Media House Limited/The Hans India.