The Marine Products Exports Development Authority (MPEDA) has still not traced the exact location of the the red snapper fish catch. More than a hundred persons including workers fell sick after consuming fish heads in Ullal recently, which was caught by a Kochi-based fishing vessel. MPEDA, Kochi officials said the catch was not from Indian waters but outside. “We have got the GPS co-ordinates from the fishing vessel and we are in the process of tracing the origin,” said an MPEDA official. The consumption of red snapper fish heads by the local population in Mangaluru area had caused Ciguatera poisoning, a common foodborne disease related to the consumption of subtropical and tropical marine finfish which have accumulated naturally occurring toxins through their diet. The ciguatoxic fish either feed on small algae species known as dinoflagellates or on toxic herbivore fish. The main toxic dinoflagellate is Gambierdicus toxicus which is found primarily in sub-tropical and tropical areas where it lives in association with other algae on dead corals. During the meeting at deputy commissioner’s office a fortnight back, presided by health minister UT Khader, MPEDA personnel Ashok Kumar had said the particular catch was from South African coast, but later retracted his statement saying he was not aware of the region from where it was caught. The MPEDA, Kochi officials also said that this was the first Ciguatera poisoning in this area. Meanwhile, the fish export company has implemented safety norms to ensure that these toxic fish heads do not find its way into fish-eaters tummies. The MPEDA authorities have directed the fish export unit in Ullal not to get fish from unknown sources. The fish export company purchased about 800 kilos from a boat from Kerala. Indo Fisheries (Baraka overseas Pvt Ltd) proprietor H S Nissar said they have been using the fish heads for consumption since past 30 years and this was the first time such a problem had surfaced. “We have taken all precautions after this incident to see that fish heads of this fish and those causing Ciguatera poisoning are not used anywhere. They will only be used for manure,” he added.
2016 Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd.