Farangipet fish market that was built and operated on railway land for the last several years, now faces prospects of demolition. Traders have been trying their best to make it stay put. They have sought the help of political leaders and local grama panchayat for the same, here. The fish market that was situated near Farangipet bus stand for several years was shifted close to Kumpanamajalu Cross when Mangaluru – B C Road national highway was being widened to a four-lane road. The land where the present fish market is situated belongs to the department of railways. As the fish market is close to the national highway, the people who come for shopping do not have a place to park their vehicles. Therefore, they park their vehicles on the highway, hindering a free flow of traffic, with a looming fear of an accident. Fishmongers had drawn the attention of district superintendent of police (SP), Bhushan G Borase during citizen’s meeting held by him a few days ago, to the difficulties faced at the Farangipet fish market. SP Borase who responded to it immediately, asked Bantwal traffic police to investigate and take appropriate steps. Traffic police who found out that the problems faced by the traffic was due to the existence of the fish market in the area, asked the fish traders to allot a separate place to park vehicles of customers. The fish traders raised the level of the adjacent land to the level of the highway by filling it with mud, creating ample place for parking. However, as the place belongs to the railways, Puttur railway officials rushed soon after the land was filled with mud and ordered an evacuation of the marketplace in two days’ time. The officials who returned to the spot after two days with the staff went to the spot for demolition. In the meantime, local leaders rushed to the place and expressed their disapproval, demanding the railway officials make alternative arrangements before demolishing the market. Though the officials agreed to the requests and went away, there is fear that they might come back shortly. Traders have urged the local panchayat to make arrangement to retain the market or take alternative measures.