World Fisheries day was today celebrated throughout the world by the fishing communities to highlight the importance of maintaining the world’s fisheries. A recent United Nations study reported that more then two-thirds of the world’s fisherieshave been overfished or are fully harvested and more then one third are in a state of declinebecause of factors such as the loss of essential fish habitats, pollution and global warming. The World Fisheries Day was established to draw attention to these perils as it helps inhighlighting the importance to human lives, of water and the lives it sustains, both inand out of water. A number of traditional societies and communities rally around the occupation offishing. India is the third largest producer of fish in the world and second largest producer of fish. India with its vast and diverse aquatic systems in the form of rivers (29,000 km), estuaries (2,00,000 ha) wetlands (3,50,000 ha) and ponds (22,00,000 ha), offering tremendous scope for increasing the production and productivity of fish. During the year 2014-15, fish production in the country was around 10 million tonneswhich is more than double the production level achieved 20 years back in 1994-95. By theyear 2020, the total demand of fish is estimated to be 12 million tonnes. West Bengal is the highest producer of fish seed in the country. The ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (ICAR-CIFRI) is a premier researchInstitute of the country in inland fisheries sector. The institute, since its inception hasgenerated very useful inland fishery technologies on induced breeding, fish production, composite fish culture, fish seed prospecting and spawn collection in rivers, reservoir andflood plain wetlands fisheries management and in situ fish seed production in pen and cage. More than two-thirds of world’s fisheries have been overfished and in state of declinebecause of habitat degradation, pollution and global warming. World Fisheries Day is celebrated every year on November 21 throughout the world byfishing communities to emphasise importance of water year and the lives it sustains,both in and out of water and its role in human live. This year, the Institute is celebrating World Fisheries Day today at Madanganj, Namkhanaat Sunderban area. More than 250 farmers form various blocks of Sunderban were presentthere.
Suni Systems (P) Ltd, 2000 – 2016.