Contact classes for fish farmers were conducted at Fisheries College and Research Institute (FCRI), Thoothukudi, on Tuesday. The registered fish farmers of Tirunelveli and Thoothukudi participated in the contact classes. According to a statement, demonstration of fish pond management practices and method demonstration of farm-made fish feed preparation were conducted for the benefit of the farmers. An interaction session was also conducted for clarifying their doubts on fish culture technologies. At the valedictory function, M.Nagoor Meeran, Director of Extension Education, Tamil Nadu Fisheries University, welcomed the gathering. M.Kandasamy, Director, All India Radio, Tirunelveli was the chief guest. G.Sugumar, Dean, FCRI presided over the programme. R.Santhakumar, Chairman, School of Fisheries Information and Social Sciences and K. Rijijohn, Chairman, School of Aquaculture offered felicitations. On this occasion, a booklet on the lessons of ‘Farm School on AIR’ was released by Mr. Kandasamy and the first copy was received by Dr.Sugumar. Certificates were distributed to all farmers who attended the contact classes. This training programme was coordinated by the Department of Fisheries Extension.

2016, The Hindu