Country’s fishing sector is facing serious depletion of various precious fish breeds across its creeks and its territorial waters, coastline of Sindh and Balochistan due to use of illegal nets and off-season catch. This was informed by the Federal Minister for Ports and Shipping, Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo while addressing a press conference here on Tuesday. FAO report is alarming and we have to act promptly to stop depleting fish stock and its various precious breeds on our territorial waters. “We had invited all stakeholders of the fishing sector and informed them regarding this issue which is highlighted in the study and we keep on taking feedback from them. Due to this uncontrolled fishing with illegal nets it has reduced precious fish stock of various breeds in our creeks were the breeding grounds of fish in the country’s waters, Bizenjo pointed out. “Due to these continuous illegal activities, our children will not eat fish but would only be able to see such species in the aquariums in future,” he added. Responsibilities lie on the authorities of both provinces, Sindh and Balochistan to act promptly and stop such illegal activities, he urged. Bizenjo said the federal government jurisdiction stars after 12 nautical miles and inside that the provincial fishing departments and ministries are responsible for its sea. Most of the fishing with illegal nets is being carried out inside 12 nautical miles that is why various fishing breeds are alarmingly shrinking, he said while quoting a report of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. He further said the FAO report took eights years (2007 to 2015) and $5.8 million for conducting such long study on Pakistan’s fishing regime and its various aspects. “We don’t want that reports are being prepared but are not utilized and all the money spend on the study is drained out. “We want that the study conducted must be used for the betterment of the fishing sector.” Bizenjo said Sindh and Balochistan should completely ban the fish catching during breeding season in every part of sea, especially creeks, at the same time both provinces should concentrate on its enforcements. Unfortunately, use of illegal nets that catch small fish that could not be used for meal but it is utilized in chicken and fish meal, he added. Federal government have the obligation on issues like embargo on illegal ‘fishing net’ as it ratify various pacts and agreements internationally and if we do not comply with them there could be possibilities of ban on the exports of fish and marine products.

2016 Dailytimes