Two different fact-finding teams led by activists have alleged police brutality against city’s fisherfolk living by the side of the Marina. Presenting the report of one of the fact-finding team, social activist and Professor A. Marx alleged that police personnel indulged in violence against fisherfolk and Dalits living in Nadukuppam, Ayodhyakuppam and other areas across the Marina Beach. Condemning the police action, Mr. Marx said, “We cannot just stop with condemning the police alone, we have to ask questions against the State government as well. We demand that the people of Nadukuppam and other surrounding areas be given proper compensation and the policemen responsible be suspended. All those students who have been arrested must be released without any conditions. Speaking to the reporters here at the Chennai Press Club, Thanikavel, a 33-year-old daily wage labourer, said that he, along with his other friends (Prakash, Vishwanath, Mukesh, Karthik, Mohan, Gulab Basha, Kabali), had taken refuge on the terrace of a building near Nadukuppam fish market. “The police reached the terrace of the building on Rotary Nagar Main Road through the adjacent building and thrashed us mercilessly. They broke my arm. Others who were with me also had severe injuries on their bodies, he said. He also verified and confirmed a video that purportedly shows a bunch of policemen attacking some youth on a terrace. “Yes, this is exactly what happened. They just assaulted us, he said. All-women team Another all-women fact-finding team consisting of Dr. V. Vasanthi Devi, former chairperson of the State Commission for Women, Prof. Anandhi Shanmugasundaram, advocate Poongkhulali Balasubramanian, and Chandrika Ramanujam from Thozilalar Koodam visited Nadukuppam on January 24 to inquire into the police excesses. According to a report prepared by the team, scores of protesters, including young men and women, were beaten up by the police and came running into the village with injuries. The police reportedly referred to them as terrorists to justify their violent behaviour. The report quoted the residents and said that the policewomen were as abusive – physically and verbally – as the policemen. They reportedly used sexist and demeaning words, entered homes, destroyed furniture, dragged innocent men, women and children out on to the street and beat them up in public view. Policewomen set fire to the fishmarket using some inflammable powder like substance. Several other vehicles and hand carts and shops were also systematically targeted. Some police women also looted the fish, especially the high-priced fish, the report said.

2017, The Hindu.