Dear Madam Minister, We would like to bring to your kind attention that it is now three years since Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Flight MH 370a Beijing-bound international scheduled passenger flightdisappeared on 07 March 2014 at 1642 UTC (0042 MYT, 08 March 2014) after it departed from Kuala Lumpur International Airport with a total of 239 persons on board (227 passengers and 12 crew). According to the Factual Information: Safety Investigation for MH370 by the Malaysian ICAO Annex 13 Safety Investigation Team for MH370, dated 8th March 2015, MH370 changed course after it passed the northern tip of Sumatra (Indonesia) and travelled in a southerly direction until it ran out of fuel in the southern Indian Ocean west of Australia. Moreover, the Summary of possible MH 370 debris recovered, dated 14 October 2016, on the official site for MH370 ( confirms that some of the debris recovered from La Réunion, Tanzania and Mauritius, during the period 2015-2016, are confirmed from MH370. As you might already be aware, the passengers on board MH370 included five Indian citizens, including Chandrika Sharma (No. 118 on the MH370 Passenger Manifest, dated 08 March 2014), the Executive Secretary of International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)an international NGO in Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). ICSF engages with issues of concern and interest to small-scale fishing communities, worldwide, and it also has an office in Chennai. Ms Sharma was en route to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, from Chennai, via Kuala Lumpur and Beijing to attend the 32nd Session of the FAO Regional conference for Asia and the Pacific. It is a matter of great concern for us that even after nearly 27 months of underwater search in an area of 120,000 sq km in the southern Indian Oceanan area that was declared as the highest probability area to locate the aircraft by expert analysisMH370 still remains untraced. While appreciating the joint search efforts of the governments of Malaysia, Australia and China to locate MH370, we are distressed to hear that the search operation, in the absence of new credible evidence, had been suspended since 17 January 2017 upon completion of the current highest probability search area. We urge you, in your capacity as the formal representative of a State that has suffered fatalities to five of its citizens on board MH370, to use your good offices to influence Malaysia, the State of Registry of MH370, to reopen and continue the search operation in collaboration with other interested parties, until the location of the accident is established and the aircraft is located either in the remaining part of the southern Indian Ocean search area that has already been surveyed, or elsewhere. This, needless to say, will bring closure to the suffering of the affected families and friends of passengers and crew, especially of your citizens, and help secure safety benefits such as preventing future accidents of this nature. Sincerely, Sebastian Mathew, Executive Secretary, ICSF.