The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) has released the latest edition of Yemaya, its newsletter on gender and fisheries. Yemaya No. 53, dated March 2017, features articles from Ireland, Tanzania, India and other Asian countries, while the editorial comment focuses on the significance of the the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (the SSF Guidelines) from a gender perspective. It argues that women’s struggles for gender justice are deeply linked to community struggles for survival and space. How World Fisheries Day 2017 was celebrated in Africa by the the African Confederation of Artisanal Fisheries Professional Organizations (CAOPA) is described in detail in an article by Béatrice Gorez, Co-ordinator, Coalition for Fair Fisheries Arrangements (CFFA). From Ireland comes a piece that describes the life and work of a woman ?sh smoker in a coastal town in West Cork in the southern part of the country. Also from Europe is a report on the presentations by AKTEA, the European network of women’s organizations in ?sheries and aquaculture, at a recent symposium which highlighted the challenges that women in Europe’s small-scale ?sheries face. An article from Africa desribes how a study tour allowed a group of women in Tanzania’s post- harvest ?sheries to visit and learn from their counterparts in Kenya, while another from India gives a moving account of the life, the struggles and the indomitable spirit of a woman ?sher from West Bengal. A profile of Gilda Olivia Rojas Bermudez, who belongs to the Garífuna community of fishers in Guatemala, notes how the recent meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity was an opportunity to interact with women from different parts of the world. A state-wide round table of women in small-scale ?sheries in Goa, India, not only revealed a range of priority issues but also started a process of self-organization, according to a report on the meet. The What’s New, Webby? column presents a timeline of Gender Equality: 2016 Year in Review, based on the UN Women website. The Milestones section profiles the women divers of Jeju Island, off the southern coast of mainland Korea. Besides reviews of websites and books, and a Q&A with Mercy Wasai Mghanga, ?sh trader and Chairperson, Bamburi Beach Management Unit (BMU) and Vice-Chairperson, Mombasa County BMU network, Kenya, the current issue carries the ever-popular cartoon strip, Yemaya Mama. Yemaya No. 53 can be accessed at