Thousands of fishermen, who eke out a living by working as kalasis and drivers on the boats, face an uncertain future as the annual holiday in the East Coast for 61 days renders them jobless. Though all the boats have returned to the Fishing Harbour even before the commencement of the annual holiday, also called ban period, from the midnight of April 15 due to poor catch, the government has not yet announced the quantum of compensation it will offer to the fishermen in lieu of loss of income. On the other hand, most among 700 mechanised boats and 250 beach landing crafts have started assessing the requirement for repair and overhauling of their vessels during the ban period. Dolphin Boat Operators’ Welfare Association president Ch. Satyanarayana Murthy told The Hindu that they would need Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 3 lakh for undertaking repairs like overhauling the engine, painting, changing gears and nets. He said most of the boats were at anchorage due to abnormal increase in the diesel cost making operations unviable. Diesel subsidy Only half of the boats are now getting diesel subsidy from the State government. The subsidy to purchase 3,000 litres is given at the rate of Rs. 6.03 per litre for boats registered before March 31, 2002. Those who registered subsequently are not eligible. The government paid cash compensation of Rs. 4,000 to fishermen for loss of income during the ban period last year. The ban is observed in the Exclusive Economic Zone from midnight of April 15 to June 14. The delayed release of amount last time and denial of benefit to all the applicants had caused severe resentment among the fishing community. “Now we want the compensation increased to Rs. 15,000 and paid to all the drivers, kalasis and pushcart and rickshaw pullers and dry fish vendors. The amount should be released before the commencement of the ban, said J.D. Naidu, general secretary of the Visakhapatnam Fishing Harbour Fish Workers’ Union. Mr. Naidu said they were organising a huge convention of fishermen at the Fishing Harbour on April 23 inviting Union Labour Minister Bandaru Dattatreya, State Fisheries Minister Adinarayana Reddy, Labour Minister Pithani Satyanarayana and HRD Minister Ganta Srinivasa Rao to highlight the problems faced by the fisherfolk. He wanted fishermen covered under the RSI and extended low-premium accidental insurance for Rs. 10 lakh under the Fisheries Department.