The Maharashtra state government has sought clarity from French officials and the French company EDF on the cost of power produced from the Jaitapur nuclear power plant. It has even said that it will purchase power from the project only if it is affordable, said government officials. The state has made its stand clear last week during the meeting between Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and a delegation led by Alexandre Ziegler, the French envoy. The state government’s position on the power purchase is revealing as work on the proposed nuclear power plant is yet to begin even after years of protest from local farmers and fishermen. The Jaitapur nuclear power plant is proposed to have a 9,900MW capacity, making it the world’s biggest nuclear power park once operational. As per the original agreement on the nuclear plant, the state government was to get 3,000 MW from the plant. But, with several delays and cost overruns, the state government does not want to buy power at an exorbitant cost. During the meeting, the delegation was also told that the locals living in villages around the proposed nuclear plant need to be informed adequately to allay their fears about nuclear power. Ever since the March 11, 2011 tsunami triggered nuclear reactor meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility in Japan, protests had escalated in Jaitapur.