The affected farmers sought assistance from the government and demanded that it take measures to provide them with interest-free loans so they can revive. Fish worth around Tk5 crore have floated away in Habiganj, after a flash flood triggered by heavy rain and the onrush of water from hilly areas across the border left fishery owners devastated. Zubeda-Gani Agro Fishery in Bajukar Haor of the district’s Baniachong upazila was among the worst affected by the floods. Its owner Zahangir Hossain, who had been in South Korea for years, said he had invested Tk3 crore in the 100-acre fishery and claimed to have lost fish worth about Tk1 crore in the flood. Affected fish farmers sought assistance from the government and demanded that interest-free loans be provided, so that they could revive their businesses. An official from the Fisheries Office in Habiganj said: “The fish floated away as the banks of ponds and haors overflew due to the rain. “The district fisheries office will take any necessary steps after an investigation. We are sending a report to the higher authorities in Dhaka.