The small-scale, artisanal fishery sector encompassing all activities along the value chain including pre-harvest, harvest and post-harvest employs men and women in almost equal measure, with high female participation in fish processing and small-scale fish trading operations. Some 90 to 95 per cent of the catch produced by small-scale landings is destined for local human consumption.In some developing countries, including SIDS, small-scale fisheries provide more than 60 per cent of protein intake. Many indigenous peoples and their communities also rely on small-scale fisheries, and recent estimates show that coastal indigenous peoples eat, on average, 15 times more seafood per person than non-indigenous people in the same country. The role of small-scale artisanal fisheries in food security and nutrition is often underestimated or ignored, and their product is rarely reported separately in national catch statistics. The full report is available at: