Parliamentary Secretary Gum Tayeng insisted upon protection and preservation of water resources and exhorted all stakeholders to create mass awareness on it. She was addressing an awareness programme on health and sanitation, conservation of rivers, water bodies and aquatic animals, especially fish at Mobang on Tuesday, where she also inaugurated a local medicine/ naturopathy centre. She also briefed on water connection and power supply issues of Parbuk areas and assured to resolve it soon. Highlighting the various developmental activities undertaken in the area, she sought cooperation of the public and government officials to accelerate the pace of developmental activities. A cultural troupe from Assam presented Bihu dance on the occasion, which was appreciated by Tayeng, saying that such programmes bring people closer and help know each other better. Deputy Commissioner Deepak Shinde lauded the efforts of the public of the area to ban fishing using non-conventional methods in Jia River and said that administration alone cannot resolve all issues without help and cooperation of the public. He also informed that gun license holders must obtain NOC from respective gaoh burahs for renewal of their licenses. He called for strict implementation of process so that firearms are not used for hunting purposes. Underscoring the importance and promotion of local traditional medicines, he sought the details of the local medicine center at Mobang-I run by one Kaling Boko for government recommendation, recognition and any assistance. He also called for mass participation to fully achieve the goal of Swachh Bharat Mission in the district. Bukong ZPM, Starson Saring highlighted the various developmental works of the area and informed about free two-room accommodation facilities at Dibrugarh, run by the Samaritan Society for the patients of Bukong. District unit ABK (WW) president Tinam Tayeng (Lego) highlighted some social issues. Earlier, fish seeds were released in Jia River near Bolik culvert point and Kangkong village to regenerate fish population.