Fishing leaders across Europe are being urged to embrace radical change to the “disastrous” rules governing fleets across the continent.

Scottish politicians called for a fundamental shift back to regional decision-making days, before ministers meet in Luxembourg to agree changes to the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).

Fisheries Secretary Richard Lochhead said: “Europe has the chance to inject some long-awaited and long-overdue common sense into what has up to now been a disastrous fishing policy. A policy that has left much pain and economic dislocation in its wake, destroyed proud communities and undermined fisheries conservation in Scottish and European waters.”

Fishing leaders back the drive, describing effective regional management as a key area for change. Ministers are due to begin discussion on reforms next Tuesday.

Mr Lochhead also wants progress on more environmentally friendly fishing including the end of discards, the controversial practice of throwing away fish to meet strict quota rules.

He argued against Transferable Fishing Concessions which he said could see the transfer of quotas from Scottish fishermen and lead to the “slow and painful decline” of traditional fishing communities.

Leading a Scottish Parliament debate, he said: “Here in Scotland we have squeezed every opportunity out of what little flexibility we have within what is an over-centralised and micro-managed regime. Rather than concocting detailed restrictions in the dead of a Brussels night, we, with our fishermen and other stakeholders, have jointly agreed common objectives.”

Labour MSP Claire Baker said the impact of the CFP goes beyond the fishing fleet to the supply chain and restaurants: “Today’s debate is an important opportunity for us to recognise the importance of CFP reform, to strongly support the reform agenda and to be clear and unequivocal about what reform needs to deliver.”

Conservative MSP Jamie McGrigor said: “There is a clear consensus that CFP is not entirely fit for purpose. In many ways it has been immensely damaging to both fish stocks and fishing communities. While all of us want to see genuine and substantial reforms, the important thing would be to achieve a new policy that is workable, coherent and helps our fishermen rather than working against them.”

Tavish Scott, Liberal Democrat MSP for Shetland, also backed a more regional approach to fishing and Green MSP Alison Johnstone said: “We have to make science the basis of our decisions on fisheries management and resist a race to the bottom that risks silent seas and silent harbours.”

2012 The Press Association