Spanish fishermen representative Pedro Maza (FAAPE) has declared he expects the technical report into fishing issues in the bay commissioned by the Gibraltar Government will finally give them the green light to resume their activities on August 16th. Speaking to the Chronicle, Sr Maza said that if any last minute problem emerges “this would not be of a technical nature but political.

He said there should be no delays by the Gibraltar Government in forwarding to them the conditions for fishing and called on all the ‘cofradias’ to update their records in respect of the vessels seeking to operate in the “conflict zone.

For their part, the British and Spanish fishing research scientists compiling the report met this week at the Spanish Institute of Oceanography and stated that there is “not enough data available to establish a fishing policy in the waters surrounding Gibraltar.

Noting the difficulties in ascertaining the conditions of the fishing grounds, Sr Maza declared that in the context of an agreement that avoids conflict and upholds good neighbourly relations, they were willing to contribute toward this.

The Convent Place appointed expert Indrani Lutchman and her Spanish counterpart Ignacio Sobrino continued their discussion of technical aspects based on the information available.

They further expressed the need for a specific fishing investigation programme for these waters.

“The main problem encountered when analysing the information available consists in associating certain catches to a particular area, since they correspond to a total landed at auctions, regardless of the source, said Sr Sobrino.

“Deficiencies in the biological information of the main species (size, age, maturity, etc.) have also been identified, making it difficult to carry out an advisory process, he added.

The experts have also agreed to collaborate in future research projects in the area.

Sr Sobrino said that Ms Lutchman was provided with a summary that enabled her to complete the information available in relation to relevant Spanish legislation.

He said this legislation complies with EU law but that their interest is focused on the exploitation pattern of the fleet stating that if the Gibraltar Government intends to implement management measures for fisheries in the future, it would be necessary to develop a research project aimed at resolving this issue in advance.

2009 Gibraltar Chronicle The Independent Daily