“Scrap the Nuclear Power Plant at Koodankulam.”

“The Central government (of India) and the Tamil Nadu government have declared war against the people.”

“Assault on the people is SEDITION. This SEDITION must be punished.”

“We will continue to be with the struggle of the people of Tamil Nadu against radioactive peril and State terror.”

Today, on 13.09.12, some hundred people gathered around the above slogans in the evening, before the Vidyasagar Statue in College Square, Kolkata. Among those present were scientists, doctors, environmentalists, environmental activists, students, and other concerned citizens.

The gathering was spontaneous and the meeting extemporaneous. The speakers condemned the war that the government has declared on its own people, and of the state violence that is accompanying the violent technology of nuclear power. The speakers also stressed on invaluable lessons that we may derive from the amazing democratic and peaceful struggle at Koodankulam.

A procession followed the meeting. After the procession, there was a brief discussion on the issues at hand on how to carry on supporting the heroic people’s struggle at Koodankulam and the need to connect with initiatives in other states and on a national level.

It was announced that the National Fishworkers’ Forum had declared 17 September as a National Protest Day against the State terror in Koodankulam. It was also announced that there will be simultaneous programmes at Haripur and in Kolkata on that day.

2012 DiaNuke.org